Kontakion 1
As a true shepherd of the flock of Christ, thou didst bring the Orthodox Christian faith to the land of Mercia. In following the example of the Holy Apostles, thou didst minister to thy flock, traversing the land on foot. Refusing earthly riches, thou didst proclaim that thou art not above the common man. Rejoice, holy hierarch Chad, great wonderworker for all ages!
Ikos 1
Champion of truth and teacher of spiritual awakening! Thrice blessed disciple of our great father Aidan, forever we shall call upon thine intercessions. Teach us to partake of thy greatness, O good shepherd of the Mercian land. Thy defence of the suffering is renowned, and shall be remembered forever in the hearts of all people:
Rejoice, great Apostle of the Mercian people! Rejoice, grand Enlightener of the Midlands! Rejoice, boast of Yorkshire, whose holiness is beholden to thee. Rejoice, thou who wast taught by a saint and didst in turn instruct others to holiness. Rejoice, new Aidan, frail in body but strong in spirit! Rejoice, thou who didst teach the Wisdom of the Word, that we may receive eternal life. Rejoice, revered father so willing to offer hope and love. Rejoice, thou who didst walk the straight and narrow path to righteousness. Rejoice, thou who proclaimest unto all the Good News that “Christ is Risen!” Rejoice, holy hierarch Chad, great wonderworker for all ages! Kontakion 2
Bearing great qualities of both mind and spirit, the greatest of thy fruits, was the ever presence of God in thee. All who approached thee bore witness to it; therefore, may Christ grant us the steadfastness to emulate thee in both word and deed, as we cry: Alleluia!
Ikos 2
Following Christ’s Command to “Go Forth,” as a witness, thou didst go forth and proclaim the Gospel with holy Egbert. Owing to thy labours, many in Ireland found the True Faith of Jesus Christ, and thus found refuge in His Holy Church.
Rejoice, new Patrick, apostolic are thine endeavours and worthy is thy blessedness! Rejoice, sing Brigit and Ita, “this grand isle is hallowed again!” Rejoice, new Kieran, sojourning on the plains of the Emerald Isle! Rejoice, for Finnian and Nathy adore thine Irish labours! Rejoice, new Kevin, monk and solitary, robed in virtue! Rejoice, Ireland crieth out, for her land was blessed by thy works! Rejoice, new Brendan, “sailing” on foot to new lands preaching the Gospel of Christ! Rejoice, new Columba, miracle-worker for a scattered flock. Rejoice, for the saints of Ireland sound forth their unchanging song! Rejoice, holy hierarch Chad, great wonderworker for all ages!
Kontakion 3
Aware of thy revered holiness as Abbot of Lastingham, the Northumbrian king Oswy demanded thee as bishop for the See of York. Unwilling to accept such a task, thou didst so only in obedience to thy brethren. Thy humble-mindedness greatly shineth forth for all the ages to bear witness, and thus we shall forever cry: Alleluia!
Ikos 3
O great hierarch Chad, when thy episcopate was questioned by the holy Theodore, thou didst relinquish it with great piety, calling thine “unworthiness” and “only in obedience” as reason. So moved by such humility, Theodore found in thee a true image of the High Priesthood, and thus called upon thee to be bishop of Mercia In thine emulation of Christ, help us to emulate thee, O vessel of true Christian humility.
Rejoice, thou who did take up the Episcopal throne through obedience, only to relinquish it through obedience. Rejoice, boast of men and adoration of kings! Rejoice, thou who didst toil onward to new lands and new tasks! Rejoice, for Theodore of Tarsus saw thy true worthiness! Rejoice, keeper of the Faith of Christ the Lord! Rejoice, first bishop of Lichfield, through thy works, miracles arose and wonders came to pass. Rejoice, thou who didst bring the True Faith to whom God hath chosen! Rejoice, true friend of Christ, exalted in heaven and on earth! Rejoice, teacher of God’s Truth kept undefiled within His Holy Church! Rejoice, holy hierarch Chad, great wonderworker for all ages!
Kontakion 4
Thou didst know well the wisdom of the Holy Fathers, that “there is nothing here for us.” Thou didst teach thy flock the fleeting nature of this life, and the glory that is with God alone. Comfort us now, for we are weak, and we look to thee as our model of renewal in Him, singing: Alleluia!
Ikos 4
O great Enlightener of Mercia, after learning of the great martyrs who perished under Diocletian on the plains of Lichfield; thou didst honour their sacrifice by moving the Mercian See to the place of their martyrdom, thus proclaiming to all the glory of them who truly follow Christ the Lord!
Rejoice, great Archpastor, filled with love and kindness for all people. Rejoice, celebrated witness to the heathen of Northumbria. Rejoice, jewel of Lichfield and protector of all Mercia. Rejoice, witness truly worthy of “God’s Call.” Rejoice, thou who didst show to all the glory of the martyrs of Lichfield. Rejoice, humble bishop, meekly walking the earth. Rejoice, pious elder, humility is thy virtue! Rejoice, thou who didst serve the faithful with a singular love! Rejoice, firm protector of thy people in flesh and in spirit! Rejoice, holy hierarch Chad, great wonderworker for all ages!
Kontakion 5
Archpastor for only three years, thou didst emulate Christ in every manner. O bearer of the Heavenly Spirit, establishing churches and monasteries, and calling a great many to “put on Christ.” We honour thee, O great wonderworker and champion of Christ’s Holy Church, singing: Alleluia!
Ikos 5
As the Venerable Bede hath written, “in humility and self denial... thou didst travel about, not on horseback, but on foot, after the manner of the Holy Apostles, preaching the Gospel in towns and open country, in cottages, villages and palaces.” Truly apostolic were thy labours, O Apostle of Mercia. We look upon thee as a source of inspiration to all!
Rejoice, for the Holy Apostles sing thy praise! Rejoice, thou who didst walk the earth preaching the Word of God. Rejoice, radiant wanderer of Christ’s Church. Rejoice, O “Nicholas of the Isles,’ image of meekness whose love brought renown! Rejoice, wise witness, traversing the Midlands with cheer and Christian hospitality! Rejoice, heavenly patron of Lichfield. Rejoice, faithful companion of Christ on earth. Rejoice, great Enlightener, for thy memory deserveth a place in every heart! Rejoice, through thy life and labours the Church accomplisheth Her Divine task. Rejoice, holy hierarch Chad, great wonderworker for all ages!
Kontakion 6
Following the Apostle Paul’s charge to “Pray without ceasing,” thou didst seek solitude at the bottom of the well. Gaining spiritual wisdom in unceasing prayer, thou didst obtain the greatest gift, beholding the Uncreated Light, and thus we sing: Alleluia!
Ikos 6
While hunting their quarry, the heathen sons of Wulfhere found thee praying in silence. So impressed by thy sight, a frail old man upon his knees, face glowing in prayer, they knelt before thee and asked thy blessing. True holiness did they find in earthly flesh, and asked to be baptized into Christ. Then the wicked Wulfhere, the Mercian King, having fallen into the hands of the evil one, wast filled with great anger and slew them both. Seeking the same for thee, he approached thy humble cell and bore witness to a great sight, a blinding light, the Uncreated Light that shone upon thee. We follow the cry of King Wulfhere, “holy hierarch Chad, have mercy on me!”
Rejoice, hallowed vessel of the Uncreated Light! Rejoice, the power of the Holy Spirit came upon thee. Rejoice, the wisdom of the Holy Fathers is championed by thee! Rejoice, for the martyrs Wulfhad and Ruffin, sons of Wulfhere, sing thy praise! Rejoice, the saints exult, for their knowledge is shown forth in thee! Rejoice, for the toil of thy hands built houses of God! Rejoice, spiritual father gifted with the Light of Christ. Rejoice, teacher of the sanctified and bulwark of the truth! Rejoice, dearly loved Mercia, land blessed with the milk and honey of grace! Rejoice, holy hierarch Chad, great wonderworker for all ages!
Kontakion 7
O miracle-maker! Healing ailments of the flesh and pangs of the soul, proclaiming the Word of God on foot! Boast of God’s elect and glorious intercessor! How can we who are sinful recall such great feats, when our own souls are filled with evil and mould? We cry to thee, beseech our Eternal Lord, the Holy and Divine Word, to fill our iniquitous hearts with Christian love and virtue, singing: Alleluia!
Ikos 7
Giving help to the helpless, and hope to the afflicted, thy miracle-working relics bear the healing grace of God. He hath given thee the power to work wonders. In thee His greatness is shone forth; thus now and forever we join the angelic hosts in song, glorifying Our Father in the heavens.
Rejoice, O blessed miracle-maker of the Isles! Rejoice, abundant grace shining forth from thy holy relics! Rejoice, aid us towards the bond that thou hast with the Holy Spirit! Rejoice, exalted healer of the spiritually sick! Rejoice, thou who helpest us turn base desire toward noble purpose! Rejoice, champion of truth and teacher of godliness! Rejoice, Ireland singeth and Britain rejoiceth in thy ministering. Rejoice, the saints of the Isles sound forth their unchanging song! Rejoice, our Most Holy Lady Theotokos smileth upon thee! Rejoice, holy hierarch Chad, great wonderworker for all ages!
Kontakion 8
O Divine and sacred temple of the Holy Spirit! We cry to thee, for our sorrow is great, and we are worthy of every judgement that befalleth us. But perchance if thou shouldst intercede on our behalf, we may be assuaged of suffering. We entreat thee, O holy hierarch, show us the way to joy and beauty, as we sing: Alleluia!
Ikos 8
During great tempests thou didst preach to thy people, “God doth thunder forth from the heavens, He doth rouse the faithful to look to the future judgement.” “Examine your hearts, and do good, that ye may never be struck down!” O ye faithful, heed these great words, let us remember our iniquities and let us sing: Rejoice, father Chad, earthly teacher of Christ’s most sacred mysteries! Rejoice, unyielding pillar of Christian Orthodoxy! Rejoice, wise elder, choosing truth above all else! Rejoice, steadfast teacher, we hearken unto thy wisdom! Rejoice, thou who didst help us to see the greater purpose beyond the cycles of life. Rejoice, healer of those stained with wrath! Rejoice, meek father, championing the divine truth! Rejoice, for thy children seek thy heavenly intercession! Rejoice, thou whose prayers are heard by the Eternal One! Rejoice, holy hierarch Chad, great wonderworker for all ages!
Kontakion 9
Giving thyself to ecclesiastical truth and purity of doctrine, thou didst beseech the faithful to practice humility, self-denial and the continuous study of divine Scriptures, not only in word, but also in deed. Grace shineth forth from thee holy Chad, and thus we sing forever: Alleluia!
Ikos 9
Knowing full well God’s will, thou didst remain unwavering in faith, a model of virtue for all Christians to emulate! Hearken unto our cry, when we call upon thee in our daily struggle with the enemy. We look upon thee as our inspiration, and pray that the angels may come unto us, as of old they came unto thee.
Rejoice, wise monk and bishop, who didst learn of the saving grace through unceasing prayer! Rejoice, thou who didst find inner peace in the angelic habit! Rejoice, for the Cherubim honour thee with song! Rejoice, for the saints marvel at thee! Rejoice, new Anthony, monastic robed in the warmth of the Spirit! Rejoice, for the Seraphim shine thy light to all mankind! Rejoice, for our souls are enriched by thy prayer! Rejoice, for the Angels chariot thy soul to Abraham’s Bosom. Rejoice, for thou hast found favour in the eyes of God. Rejoice, holy hierarch Chad, great wonderworker for all ages!
Kontakion 10
With the threat of the plague, thou didst choose to stand fast and remain with thy flock rather than flee, only to fall victim to the same suffering. O protector and defender of the infirm and afflicted! Thy body became a prison house of pain and torment. Thou didst give thy life for thy people, and thus forever receive a great reward in the heavens, a crown of victory, and thus we sing: Alleluia!
Ikos 10
Seeking thy return to thy heavenly home, God sent His angels to bring thee unto Him. O wonder and valiant champion of the Church. Angels chariot thee, and men honour thee! Help us in our time of need, and beseech God to illumine our souls with His Divine Light.
Rejoice, clairvoyant elder who foresaw thine own repose! Rejoice, valiant warrior and defender of thy flock! Rejoice, teaching all the care of others! Rejoice, righteous confessor, sacrificing thyself to be with thy flock! Rejoice, holy Abba, western example of the eastern ideal! Rejoice, strong rampart of the Orthodox Faith! Rejoice, thou who didst recapture the Grace of God by burying the passions of the flesh! Rejoice, instructing us to oneness with God through heartfelt prayer! Rejoice, thou who didst urge us to become the “perfect man matured with the fullness of Christ!” Rejoice, holy hierarch Chad, great wonderworker for all ages!
Kontakion 11
Thou didst reveal true Christian love to thy people, O holy Archpastor, shepherding and caring for thy flock in both soul and body. A servant worthy of God’s call! Thus we join the angelic hosts in their song, “Glory to Thy Power, O Lord,” crying: Alleluia!
Ikos 11
Thy faithful shall forever love and honour thee, O father and hierarch Chad. When frightened and tortured by the evil one, we know full well that thy heavenly intercessions can break the bonds of the devil’s assaults. O conqueror of demons and boast of Angels, let us sing with joy:
Rejoice, spiritual soldier of the unseen warfare! Rejoice, thou who didst rise above the pull of shadow! Rejoice, for demonic hosts are enraged by their weakness before thee! Rejoice, advocate of the Light, who didst not cower before the darkness! Rejoice, for evil recoileth at the mention of thy name! Rejoice, for we hear thy sweet song to the Eternal Lord! Rejoice, O saint of God, righteous keeper of the True Faith, present within the Church! Rejoice, for God hath truly blessed thee, sweet bishop of the lost sheep! Rejoice, for we, thy flock, call upon thee, “pray to God for us!” Rejoice, holy hierarch Chad, great wonderworker for all ages!
Kontakion 12
The innocent and the just know well thy greatness, for many have come to thy tomb, seeking thy protection. We honour thee, O great warrior of Christ! We have witnessed thy wonders, do thou now help us in our suffering as thou didst help thy flock in Mercia. We beseech thy prayers, great confessor of the Church of Christ, in wiping away the many stains of sin; intercede on our behalf to God to forgive us our iniquities. And thus we shall forever cry: Alleluia!
Ikos 12
Holy hierarchs Chad and Cedd, righteous priests Caelin and Cynebil, O thrice-blessed brothers of Christ, duly united in true Orthodox manner as ministers to do His Will! Ye are true models of brotherly love, rightly adorning His Holy Church. Hearken unto our prayers as we joyfully sing:
Rejoice, sainted brethren of Christ’s Church on earth. Rejoice, for ye were tutored in holiness by the great Aidan of Lindisfarne. Rejoice, tabernacles of the Divine Spirit in Northumbria. Rejoice, precious pearls in pagan lands blessed by your works. Rejoice, saints of the West, so too glorified in the East! Rejoice, for ye truly carried out the command to “be thy brother’s keeper.” Rejoice, shining forth in the West like unto Basil, Gregory and Peter, the great brothers of the East. Rejoice, holy hierarch Cedd, great bishop of London! Rejoice, holy Caelin and Cynebil, righteous priests in the north! Rejoice, holy hierarch Chad, great wonderworker for all ages!
Kontakion 13
O holy bearer of the Uncreated Light, blessed through unceasing prayer in the Name of Jesus Christ. Divine example of true Christian humility, great Apostle of Mercia, as Archpastor thou didst proclaim the Gospel of Christ. O spiritual warrior and champion of the Church in the West, as a converser with heavenly hosts, thou wast carried up to the heavenly courts with angelic song. O holy hierarch and Confessor Chad may our souls forever cry: Alleluia! Thrice
Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1 are now repeated
Ikos 1
Champion of truth and teacher of spiritual awakening! Thrice blessed disciple of our great father Aidan, forever we shall call upon thine intercessions. Teach us to partake of thy greatness, O good shepherd of the Mercian land. Thy defence of the suffering is renowned, and shall be remembered forever in the hearts of all people:
Rejoice, great Apostle of the Mercian people! Rejoice, grand Enlightener of the Midlands! Rejoice, boast of Yorkshire, whose holiness is beholden to thee. Rejoice, thou who wast taught by a saint and didst in turn instruct others to holiness. Rejoice, new Aidan, frail in body but strong in spirit! Rejoice, thou who didst teach the Wisdom of the Word, that we may receive eternal life. Rejoice, revered father so willing to offer hope and love. Rejoice, thou who didst walk the straight and narrow path to righteousness. Rejoice, thou who proclaimest unto all the Good News that “Christ is Risen!” Rejoice, holy hierarch Chad, great wonderworker for all ages!
Kontakion 1
As a true shepherd of the flock of Christ, thou didst bring the Orthodox Christian faith to the land of Mercia. In following the example of the Holy Apostles, thou didst minister to thy flock, traversing the land on foot. Refusing earthly riches, thou didst proclaim that thou art not above the common man. Rejoice, holy hierarch Chad, great wonderworker for all ages!
Prayer of the Akathist to Saint Chad of Lichfield
O Jesus Christ God, the Divine Logos, we beseech Thee that we may be deemed worthy to recall the works of Thy great wonderworker and hierarch Chad. We pray that we may find grace through his great piety, humility, unceasing prayer, fasting and obedience to his brethren. We seek his counsel and intercessions before Thy glorious Throne. We ask Thee, our God, to grant us humility, love and steadfastness in faith and teaching. Bestow good thoughts and intentions upon us and upon our brothers and sisters, and especially upon our enemies who wrong us. Help us in times of need to call upon holy Chad’s humility to Saint Theodore. As a model of obedience, holy Chad relinquished the See of York, feeling unworthy of such an honour, and so was rewarded with a great See in Mercia and, more, precious humility. Help us, O Almighty God, to emulate humble Chad and preserve us from selfish and vain thoughts. Help us never to forget those that suffer, the downtrodden and the unfortunate. Be a hand for us, when in humility, we step aside for others. Keep us, for the sins of pride, vanity and lust are hard to battle and conquer, and only through Thee are they truly defeated. May we learn to love one another in Thee, O Christ, and may we strive for concord through Thee with those before us and around us. May we put aside all earthly cares and come to the knowledge of Thine Eternal Truth. Thou art the Divine Architect Who didst shape this vast universe and Whose power is limitless. We humbly beg Thee, forgive us our sins, for Thy power is great and we are weak. Remember humble Chad’s prayers for our sake, and have mercy on us in Thy dread Judgement. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, always, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.