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Akathist to Saint Phanourios

Troparion in the Eighth Tone. (Plagal Fourth Tone)

The hoplite of Christ of great name, who manfully deposed the enemies through formerly enduring blows and harsh tortures, and in latter years was wondrously revealed, and who works a multitude of wonders through the power of God, as born witness to by the people who honor him, crying out with odes of praise:

Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.

Kontakion 1

The perfect adornment of Christ, the unassailable protecting wall of the Church, the treasure and great pride of Rhodes. As thou art the namesake of illumination from heaven, and thou showest forth divine wonders, we honor thee crying out: Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.

Ikos 1

Let all blood that loves God, praise the great hoplite Phanourios, for having been arrayed with the armor of the Cross, thou didst glorify the Almighty God through thy sacred victories, magnifying His holy and great name. Therefore we chant of his glorious grandeur, and ceaselessly cry out like this:

Rejoice, the Martyr of the truth,

Rejoice, the pillar of steadfastness.

Rejoice, the brave general of the King of all,

Rejoice, the faithful servant of the Master of all.

Rejoice, thou who humblest the demonic ranks,

Rejoice, thou who conquerest the ranks of enemies.

Rejoice, thou who dissolvest the deep darkness of atheism,

Rejoice, light of Christ for those on the earth.

Rejoice, thou who drivest away the bitter winter of ignorance,

Rejoice, spring, which brings the knowledge of the all-holy faith.

Rejoice, the all-radiant light of the Church,

Rejoice, the adornment and unassailable haven of Rhodes.

Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.

Kontakion 2

All the arrows of evil of the ancient foe, thou didst quench through thy steadfastness and manliness, O Champion. Therefore, thou ever refreshest our souls with the dew of the All-working Spirit, for those who praise thee with fervor, and chant unto God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The serpent was stripped naked of his ancient beauty, through giving men guileful counsel. Thou didst show the power of God and the might of the people against him, O Martyr, through thy wondrous struggles, and thou didst clearly proclaim His greatness. Therefore, in fervor we tell of thine exquisite wonders, and out of duty with cry out to thee from the heart:

Rejoice, the lamp of piety,

Rejoice, thou who showest forth manliness.

Rejoice, the radiance of the faith,

Rejoice, the beauty of the Martyrs.

Rejoice, soldier who put his trust in Him Who sets the contests,

Rejoice, the all-magnanimous friend of the Giver of good things.

Rejoice, the precious lamp of the spotless faith,

Rejoice, the honored icon of the love of Christ.

Rejoice, thou who didst endure the fire of the furnace,

Rejoice, thou who didst inherit the joyous rejoicing.

Rejoice, the beautiful laughter of the Angelic ranks,

Rejoice, the glory and uplifted inheritance of the people of Rhodes.

Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.

Kontakion 3

Having continuously the divine thirst for martyrdom, thou didst hasten to the stadium, to confess Christ with boldness, and thou didst endure tortures in thy bravely-minded soul. As Paul thou didst cry out: “It is Christ alone that I love, and it is the eternal Kingdom that I thirst for.” Therefore, having struggled perfectly, O famed Phanourios, thou callest all to hymn the true God, and to chant together with the Angels this new hymn: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Remaining as firm as adamant, thou wast steadfast amidst the beatings, the scourges of thy flesh, and the weight of stones, having ever the Passion of thy Master in mind. Ceaselessly entreat Him, O Phanourios, that we be granted power to conquer the corrupting passions and to be crucified together with Him in the flesh, that we might live with Him, and ever cry out together out of need to thee:

Rejoice, the arrow against him who wars against us,

Rejoice, the spear against the foreign enemy.

Rejoice, he who clearly showed the strength of our God,

Rejoice, he who laughed in the faces of tyrants.

Rejoice, weapon enriched by the invincible Cross,

Rejoice, thou who didst scare away the army of demons.

Rejoice, thou who didst endure the dark prison,

Rejoice, thou who showest forth with thy rays throughout the earth.

Rejoice, mighty defender of those who struggle,

Rejoice, the compassionate one who stands beside those in tribulations.

Rejoice, thou who adornest the choir of the Martyrs,

Rejoice, thou who maketh radiant the noetic heaven.

Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.

Kontakion 4

Thou didst live, O Martyr, with thy waist girded with the strength of God, wearing the whole armor of the faith, and holding in thy hands the All-holy Cross, thou didst ultimately trample upon the ranks of the enemies. Therefore, thou didst gladden the choirs of the Angels, O Phanourios, as thou becomest their friend and thou wast seen to converse with them, chanting together with them the thrice-holy hymn: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

The grace of the Comforter dwelt in thee, truly quenching all desire for earthly things, and making thee worthy to love the good things to come. Therefore, counting all corruptions of the flesh to be senseless, thou didst enter thy struggles with steadfastness, O Phanourios, and thou didst receive the radiant diadem of victory. Because of this, we weave for thee this crown of holy hymns, and without ceasing, with our lips cry out from our souls:

Rejoice, friend of the Giver-of-Life,

Rejoice, lamp of the Giver-of-Light.

Rejoice, the very precious joy of the Son above,

Rejoice, unstoppable protector of those in dangers.

Rejoice, fragrant rose of the All-working Spirit,

Rejoice, beautiful flower of the perfect faith.

Rejoice, vessel of graces, exceedingly multiplied,

Rejoice, fountain of wonders and ever-flowing spring.

Rejoice, for thou dost ever anticipate those who are in trials,

Rejoice, for thou doth speedily hearken unto those who call upon thy name.

Rejoice, the most-radiant crown of the Martyrs of Christ,

Rejoice, the protecting wall of the faithful and unbeatable shield.

Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.

Kontakion 5

Taking up the undiminishing shield of piety, and the spear of hope, and the helmet of the faith, and having been arrayed with the breastplate of the love of the Lord, thou wast not swayed by unbearable pains, O Athlete. But thou didst remained steadfast as a diamond until the end, O Phanourios, hymning the powers of God. To Him we cry out the victory-bearing ode in all things: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

The rotten covering of error thou didst remove through fire, bringing forth the truth of the Lord, O Athlete, revealing the power of our God to the godless. Therefore we have gathered together in a new dance, praising thy great deeds, O Phanourios, and fervently cry out to thee these things from the soul:

Rejoice, the tower of the Church,

Rejoice the cornerstone of Holy Sion.

Rejoice, the steadfastness of brass and iron,

Rejoice, more radiant than geodes or gold.

Rejoice, the most-exalted fellow warrior of God,

Rejoice, thou who reduceth to nothing the ranks of the enemy.

Rejoice, the holy cluster of wheat granted by Christ,

Rejoice, the mystical wine of the trampling of the vineyard.

Rejoice, for thou maketh thyself to be a sanctuary of God,

Rejoice, for thou enlighten the hearts of the faithful.

Rejoice, the seed of Christ, and the shoot of the Church,

Rejoice the most-glorious fruit for the whole world.

Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.

Kontakion 6

Thou didst become a proclaimer of God openly, and the word of thy martyrdom has gone forth to the ends of the earth, and thou hast called the nations to hymn God, Who is glorified among His Saints, and Who granted the authority for us to trample upon the head of the guileful enemy and upon the strength of the serpent. We all have woven a new praise to God from our heart, praising the Creator of all with the victorious ode: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thou hast adorned the earth with the rays of thy lamp of martyrdom, and thy struggles have shown upon the choirs of the faithful. Therefore, thou dost fill us with unspeakable light, as we praise the Giver-of-Light, the Beginning that surpassed the beginning, and we honor thee with one voice, O famed Phanourios, and with one soul we chant the following to thee in an unsatiated manner:

Rejoice, invincible panoply,

Rejoice, all-glorious crown-bearer.

Rejoice, mighty runner of the Lord,

Rejoice, thou who shameth the foreign enemy.

Rejoice, athlete of honorable struggles,

Rejoice, most-firm worker of godly feats.

Rejoice, for thou wast granted the eternal rewards,

Rejoice, for thou didst partake of the incorruptible crowns.

Rejoice, most-compassionate healer of those in sicknesses,

Rejoice, the speedy deliver of those in trials,

Rejoice, light that reaches the ends of all creation,

Rejoice, the sanctity and surpassingly-bright star of Rhodes.

Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.

Kontakion 7

Thou didst endure pains in thy divine members, for thou didst offer thyself up as a sacrifice, and thy side was torn and burnt with torches, O Athlete, and thou didst bear a heavy stone with thy bravely-minded soul. Therefore, having been purified through these as purified gold, thou didst ever paradoxically shine throughout the earth, O Phanourios, calling all to hymn thy perfect deeds openly, and crying out to God the harmonious ode: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Having fulfilled the law of the Master, Whom thou desireth from childhood, and Whom thou didst follow as a handsome young man, eagerly desiring to drink the cup of martyrdom. Therefore, He called thee to this new table in His heavenly Kingdom, to partake of His goodness unto the ages. And He calls us in glory, to enjoy the telling of thy wonders with rejoicing, O Phanourios, and to cry out these fervently, and with one voice:

Rejoice, great one among the Champions,

Rejoice, greatly-suffering one among struggles.

Rejoice, most-faithful friend of the Master,

Rejoice, most-desired kin of the Most-high.

Rejoice, the pearl of the Church, shining like gold,

Rejoice, O awesome one, ever shining throughout the whole world.

Rejoice, for thou intercedeth for us to God with boldness,

Rejoice, for thou entreath acceptably on behalf of all.

Rejoice, the defender and deliver of all those held captive,

Rejoice, helper of those in need, who works wondrous deeds.

Rejoice, the glory of the Martyrs, the beauty of the Athletes,

Rejoice, the pride of the Church, and the all-radiant protection.

Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.

Kontakion 8

A strange wonder has been seen in the latter days, for on the island of Rhodes, as a divine treasure, thine icon was found in the ruined church. Therefore, all of us, being astonished at thy vision, chant to thee with the honored Archpriest the God-rejoicing hymn, O honored Phanourios, saying from the depths the joyous ode: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

The ranks of heaven were astonished by thee, beholding thy brave and great struggles, and thine endless manliness of soul, O Athlete. Therefore, they place on thy precious head a crown from the hand of the Giver-of-Life Who is ever worshiped. And we offer divine and rational veneration, O Phanourios, and cry out harmoniously these things:

Rejoice, invincible one among struggles,

Rejoice, surpassingly bright one in deeds.

Rejoice, joyous rejoicing of the Angels,

Rejoice, the unassailable foundation of the faithful.

Rejoice, for thou didst cast down the uplifted idols,

Rejoice, for thou didst adorn Orthodox churches.

Rejoice, thou who fervently anticipateth those in need,

Rejoice, who speedily hearkenth to those who call upon thee.

Rejoice, thou who bringeth the knowledge of the Sun of glory to the ends of the earth,

Rejoice, light that gladly shines upon those in darkness.

Rejoice, for thou didst spring forth like a rose from the earth,

Rejoice, thou who blessed the multitudes of the people of Rhodes.

Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.

Kontakion 9

Thou hast become a tower of strength and power of God, and thou fortifiest the faithful in the true faith. Thy heart was therefore founded upon the Rock of life, and thy feet were strengthened by His divine commandments, while thou didst radiantly reach thine end through a tough and bitter martyrdom, O Phanourios. Therefore, we have woven for you crowns of odes, and we do not cease to offer in truth and fervor to thee, the hymn: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The honored island of Rhodes rejoices and boasts incalculably in thy sacred Church, for from her, as a radiant star, thou shinest with thy rays upon the whole world. Therefore, as our eyes and hearts are illumined, and radiant with thy light, we ever cry out to thee these things with one voice and in a fitting manner:

Rejoice, the beauty of the Martyrs,

Rejoice, the adornment of Athletes.

Rejoice, thou who calmest the seas for those who sail,

Rejoice, vessel led by God for those storm-tossed.

Rejoice, the all-radiant lamp of the Giver-of-Light,

Rejoice, most-bright dwelling-place of the Comforter.

Rejoice, for thou enslaveth the invisible enemies,

Rejoice, for thou freest the enslaved priests.

Rejoice, thou who preacheth the deeds of Mighty God,

Rejoice, thou who shineth throughout the world with the Giver-of-Light.

Rejoice, thou who through thy passion didst bear pains in thy flesh,

Rejoice, for through thine intercessions, thou ceasest all passions of the soul.

Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.

Kontakion 10

Thou wast seen as a divine moon, and thou standest before the throne of the Source of light, thou standest together with the armies of the Angels, partaking of divine beauty in the court of Paradise. Do not cease to fervently entreat Him, O Phanourios, on behalf of those who honor thy most-holy memory in faith, and cry out to God with joyous soul, the ceaseless ode: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou hast set up trophies of divine victory and fame, as we magnify thy radiant and perfect deeds which caused great rejoicing to God, O Trophy-bearing Athlete. And we truly and piously praise thy many great deeds, O brave Phanourios, as we say from the heart all of these things wondrously:

Rejoice, all-glorious Champion,

Rejoice, O brave trophy-bearer.

Rejoice, thou who wast steadfast as bronze amidst wrestling,

Rejoice, the all-holy sanctification of the spotless faith.

Rejoice, for thou didst speedily partake of the rewards of thy struggles,

Rejoice, for thou didst gain the heavenly robe of glory.

Rejoice, thou who bearest pains with bravery in thy soul,

Rejoice, for thou partakest of divine rejoicing as nourishment.

Rejoice, for thou adorneth the earth through the furrows of thy struggles,

Rejoice, for thou didst decorate the heavens through thy joyous presence.

Rejoice, the all-radiant lamp of the Source of light,

Rejoice, foundation of the Church, and greatly-radiant temple.

Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.

Kontakion 11

The waters of piety watered thy soul, and therefore thou harvested the good things of the faith, and the divine cluster of Martyrdom, O Phanourios, and having thus been filled, thou placed them in the treasuries of God. And we who praise the fruits of thy pains, are nourished in the heart with the praises of God, and cry out to Him ceaselessly from the lips of our souls: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Thou didst endure the dark prison cell, having beheld the thrice-radiant Light with thine eyes. And thou didst preserve thy senses unsoiled by the darkness, and conversed with the Source of light ineffably. Having approached that eternal beauty of heaven, thy heart was made into a temple of the living God. And we who ever venerate thee and thy sacred icon, in thy holy church, O Phanourios, ceaselessly cry out these with fervor:

Rejoice, the divine comeliness of Martyrs,

Rejoice, the adornment of all the Saints.

Rejoice, thou who partakest of the unwaning light,

Rejoice, the divine lens of the Comforter.

Rejoice, for thou who keepest the commandments of the Law in thy mind,

Rejoice, for who unflinchingly walked the path of Martyrdom.

Rejoice, for thou didst gaze upon the glory of Christ, the Bestower of crowns,

Rejoice, for thou didst visit the beauty of the mysteries of God.

Rejoice, for thou didst bear on thy flesh the marks of Martyrdom,

Rejoice, thou who didst ineffably glorify God in thy soul.

Rejoice, thou who imparteth thy fervent protection for the faithful,

Rejoice, thou who gladdeneth all with thy joyous presence.

Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.

Kontakion 12

Thou didst pass through the narrow road of struggles while rejoicing, and now dwell in the broad land of Eden, O sacred Phanourios. And thou guideth us, who have been afflicted by the passions, to be led towards strengthening without delusion through thy help, where are the ranks of the Martyrs and the Saints. That we might joyously join in their ways and their chorus, we offer to God the hymn, and joyously cry out: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Chanting the hymn of Martyrdom on the lyre of thy soul, without ceasing, thou didst ever praise the greatly-hymned God, Who granted thee the power to be martyred for Him. Therefore, the choirs of those who love the Martyrs and who love God, and the ranks and the choirs of the faithful bless Him from the depths, the merciful God, and we ceaselessly cry out to His healer:

Rejoice, the flower of piety,

Rejoice, the rose of truth.

Rejoice, the ray of the unspeakable light,

Rejoice, the surpassingly-bright lightning of the heavenly world.

Rejoice, the all-fitting icon of the perfect,

Rejoice, the exalted lamp of those who struggle well.

Rejoice, the deposer of darkness, and the guide towards the light,

Rejoice, guide towards all godly things.

Rejoice, fittingly strengthens the faithful through thy prayers,

Rejoice, thou who didst gladden all with the series of thy wonders.

Rejoice, the glory and calm harbor of the people of Rhodes,

Rejoice, wealth of the Church, and dawn without evening.

Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.

Ikos 13

O invincible Martyr, bravely-minded Athlete, Phanourios, the hoplite of the Lord, thou who art wondrous through the strength of God, and through thine endurance and steadfastness were granted sacred trophies of victory, make us worthy, who honor thee in truth, to trample upon the enemy who greatly wars against us, and to be granted in the age to come, the crown of divine glory. That out of fervor, we might glorify the Lord, and eternally chant from a proper heart unto His holy name, worthily hymning His glory, with joyous voices, and ceaselessly cry out with the Angels: Alleluia. (3)

Ikos 1

Let all blood that loves God, praise the great hoplite Phanourios (3), for having been arrayed with the armor of the Cross, thou didst glorify the Almighty God through thy sacred victories, magnifying His holy and great name. Therefore we chant of his glorious grandeur, and ceaselessly cry out like this:

Rejoice, the Martyr of the truth,

Rejoice, the pillar of steadfastness.

Rejoice, the brave general of the King of all,

Rejoice, the faithful servant of the Master of all.

Rejoice, thou who humblest the demonic ranks,

Rejoice, thou who didst conquer the ranks of enemies.

Rejoice, thou who dist dissolved the deep darkness of atheism,

Rejoice, light of Christ for those on the earth.

Rejoice, thou who didst drive away the bitter winter of ignorance,

Rejoice, spring, which brings the knowledge of the all-holy faith.

Rejoice, the all-radiant light of the Church,

Rejoice, the adornment and unassailable haven of Rhodes.

Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.

Kontakion 1

The perfect adornment of Christ, the unassailable protecting wall of the Church, the treasure and great pride of Rhodes. As thou art the namesake of illumination from heaven, and thou showest forth divine wonders, we honor thee crying out: Rejoice, O Martyr Phanourios.


Thou didst gladden creation through the radiance of thy struggles, and brought joy to the faithful through the gift of thy wonders, and thou didst astonish the army of the Angels, O Phanourios, for in these latter days, thou showest forth from the earth as a precious rose, and as an all-radiant star, adorning the island of Rhodes. We cry out to thee: Rejoice.


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