Kontakion 1 A wonderful and marvellous healing has been given to us by thine holy icon, O sovereign Lady Theotokos. By its appearance we have been delivered from spiritual and physical ills, and from sorrowful circumstances. So we bring thee our thankful praise, O all-merciful Protectress. O sovereign Lady, whom we call “The Inexhaustible Cup,” bend down thine ear and mercifully hear our lamentation and tears that we bring to thee, and give thine healing to those who suffer from drunkenness, so that we may cry out to thee with faith: Rejoice, O Inexhaustible Cup that doth quench our spiritual thirst.
Ikos 1 Angelic powers and multitudes of saints continually glorify thee, the Theotokos, Queen of all, the intercessor for us sinful Christians wallowing in lawlessness and remaining in sins. It is for our consolation and salvation that thou in thy mercy didst give us thy miraculous icon, so that looking upon it, as at the one and only star among a multitude of stars on a starlit night, we may prostrate ourselves, shouting from the very depths of our heart:
Rejoice, dwelling-place of the unapproachable God. Rejoice, our constant wonder. Rejoice, thou makest our sorrow to wipe away our sins. Rejoice, thou makest our grief to heal our ills. Rejoice, through thy miraculous icon, thou bringest us thine heavenly mercy. Rejoice, O joy of our grieving heart. Rejoice, our wonderful reconciliation with God. Rejoice, O Theotokos, the Inexhaustible Cup that doth quench our spiritual thirst.
Kontakion 2 On seeing the deep sorrow and grief of people possessed by the destructive vice of drunkenness, and also their true repentance, thou hast willed, O most holy Lady, to show thy mercy to the blessed city of Serpoukhov by the appearance of thy miraculous icon “The Inexhaustible Cup,” so that all who fall down before it with faith and a contrite heart will receive healing from this grievous illness, and thus may cry to God from the depths of their heart: Alleluia!
Ikos 2 Having understood the meaning of the threefold apparition of Saint Varlaam, and his order to go to the city of Serpoukhov, the man possessed by the illness of alcoholism did so, and there, in a monastery he found thine holy icon called “The Inexhaustible Cup.” On seeing such mercy bestowed on us sinners, we cry out to thee with veneration:
Rejoice, through pious people thou dost show to us sinners the glory of thy marvellous work. Rejoice, sagacious guide, showing us the way of salvation. Rejoice, O good teacher, by thy goodness thou dost attract us to thyself. Rejoice, by bestowing on us thy great blessings thou dost teach us gratefulness. Rejoice, by making us know hope beyond doubt thou dost give us gladness of heart. Rejoice, thou dost destroy our destructive passions. Rejoice, thou dost help us in our good intentions. Rejoice, O Theotokos, the Inexhaustible Cup that doth quench our spiritual thirst.
Kontakion 3 The power of the Almighty and the grace of the sovereign Mother of God strengthened a man suffering from alcoholism, when in obedience to an order of the Theotokos, given to him by Saint Varlaam, he set out for the city of Serpoukhov, in spite of his paralyzed legs. On his arrival, he found the icon of the most pure Theotokos, and was healed from illness of the soul and that of the body. Therefore, from the very depth of his heart, he gratefully exclaimed to God: Alleluia!
Ikos 3 Thou art an inexhaustible fountain, a cup of heavenly gifts that ever remaineth full. And the people of the city of Serpoukhov, as well as all orthodox, from every city and village, who come to thy most wonderful icon, “The Inexhaustible Cup,” are healed. And so with grateful lips they cry out to thee:
Rejoice, O vessel of holy water that doth dissolve our sorrow. Rejoice, O cup by which we receive the joy of our salvation. Rejoice, thou dost attend to our spiritual and physical ills. Rejoice, thy prayers tame our passions. Rejoice, thou dost give to each according to his needs. Rejoice, thou dost give generously to all. Rejoice, thou hast opened for us the treasury of mercy. Rejoice, thou dost show mercy to the fallen one. Rejoice, O sovereign lady, the Inexhaustible Cup that doth quench our spiritual thirst.
Kontakion 4 People laden with passions and addictions, doubting of ever finding deliverance, come with repentance to thine inexpressible mercy. And on having been healed, from the very depths of their hearts they cry to our Saviour born of thee: Alleluia!
Ikos 4 On seeing the sorrow and tears of parents, wives, and children whose family member is possessed by the passion of addiction, the Lord gave us thine icon, O Theotokos, and all who come to it receive consolation and spiritual joy. And so we cry out to thee with tears of gratitude:
Rejoice, O lamb, thou didst gave birth to the Lamb of God. Rejoice, thou art the ladle that draweth up joy from the source of immortality. Rejoice, thou art the alleviation of the grief of sorrowing mothers. Rejoice, thou art the hope of the hopeless. Rejoice, thou dost gracefully protect those who come to thee. Rejoice, thou art the delight and joy of those in grief. Rejoice, thine helping hand is there for those who seek it. Rejoice, O Theotokos, the Inexhaustible Cup that doth quench our spiritual thirst.
Kontakion 5 O most gracious Lady, thou hast shown us thine holy icon to be the star that leadeth to God, so that looking upon it and praying to thee, we may say: O Theotokos, give healing to those who are suffering from drunkenness and any other illness of mind and body, and teach us all to praise God, singing: Alleluia!
Ikos 5 O Theotokos, on seeing the marvels and wonders granted to those who humbly venerate thee, wonders pouring from thine icon that miraculously appeared in Serpoukhov, and also from those that were but copies of it, we cry out to thee:
Rejoice, thou art a speedy protectress of all who come to thee. Rejoice, thou dost hear our prayers. Rejoice, thou hast blessed the city of Serpoukhov. Rejoice, thou hast shown the glory of thy miracles in the region of Moscow. Rejoice, inexhaustible Treasure for all who are in need of healing. Rejoice, O almighty help to those who strive for sobriety. Rejoice, O almighty help to those who fight against the world, flesh, Satan, and addictions. Rejoice, thou dost defend those who lead a good life in this world. Rejoice, O sovereign Lady, the Inexhaustible Cup that doth quench our spiritual thirst.
Kontakion 6 O Theotokos, we proclaim thy wonders that pour forth from thine icon, “The Inexhaustible Cup,” and with tears we pray to thee: Save us all from the passion of drunkenness and from other addictions and sins, and teach us, O Pure One, to abstain from all impurity, and to sing to God: Alleluia!
Ikos 6 In the light of the Divine Glory, thou dost look at thy Son, the eternal God and Lord Jesus Christ, standing in the chalice as shown on thine icon mysteriously called “The Inexhaustible Cup;” and thou dost give from it deliverance from drunkenness to us who come unto thee and bring to thee this unceasing praise:
Rejoice, for the angelic powers and the human race rejoice because of thee. Rejoice, for thy glory surpasseth both human and heavenly praise. Rejoice, thou hast revealed to us the mystery of the Divine Eucharist by showing the image of thy Son in the chalice. Rejoice, thou dost show us the Lamb born of thee, Who is always eaten but never consumed. Rejoice, O cup of life and immortality that leadeth us to the gates of eternal life. Rejoice, thou dost fill our thirsty souls with the water from the fountain of immortality. Rejoice, thou dost not withhold thy blessing even from the most rejected and despised. Rejoice, by thy compassion thou dost pull us away from the pit of perdition. Rejoice, O Theotokos, the Inexhaustible Cup that doth quench our spiritual thirst.
Kontakion 7 A man wished to thank thee, O Theotokos, for healing from alcoholism, so he adorned thy miraculous icon that is in Serpoukhov, singing to God from the depths of his heart: Alleluia!
Ikos 7 We see a new miracle from thine holy icon, O Theotokos. A servant of God, Stephen, a victim of the disease of alcoholism, was imploring thy maternal intercession, and he hath been granted a cure. So in gratitude he adorned thine icon with rich gifts, and falling before it he called to thee with tears:
Rejoice, lifegiving fountain of healing. Rejoice, heavenly cup of divine gifts. Rejoice, river that doth carry healing. Rejoice, the sea into which sink all our passions. Rejoice, with thy tender maternal hands thou dost raise up those who fall under the weight of drunkenness. Rejoice, thou dost not turn down gifts of gratitude. Rejoice, joy of pious people. Rejoice, thou dost grant us those of our petitions that are good for us. Rejoice, O sovereign Lady, the Inexhaustible Cup that doth quench our spiritual thirst.
Kontakion 8 It must be strange and incredible to unbelievers to hear that thine icon “The Inexhaustible Cup” procureth miracles. But to us who believe in thy words proclaimed about thy first icon, “The Grace of the One Who is born of me and mine own blessings will always be with this icon,” this present icon also doth exude thy mercy. And so, reverently we venerate it, crying to God: Alleluia!
Ikos 8 People suffering from alcoholism and addictions do put all their hope in thee, O sovereign Lady. Bend down to our ills and our passions. For who but thee, O Theotokos, shall raise us out of the pit of perdition and of physical and spiritual misery? And thus having bent our knees, we cry out to thee:
Rejoice, thou dost not reject the prayers of those who are sinful. Rejoice, thou dost give thine help to those who ask for it. Rejoice, thou dost show the depth of thy compassion for the sinner. Rejoice, thou dost give courage to those who have lost all hope. Rejoice, thou dost extend thine helping hand to those who suffer from drunkenness. Rejoice, by thy gift of grace thou dost console those who suffer patiently. Rejoice, thou dost nurse our physical and emotional ills. Rejoice, thou dost teach us to despise the empty pleasures of this life. Rejoice, O sovereign Lady, the Inexhaustible Cup that doth quench our spiritual thirst.
Kontakion 9 All the angels are amazed at Thy mercy, O Lord, for Thou hast given to sinful mankind a strong protectress and helper. She looketh down at our weakness, and healeth those suffering from the bitter disease of drunkenness, and teacheth the faithful to sing: Alleluia!
Ikos 9 The most exalted human mind cannot praise enough the appearance of thy glorious icon, O sovereign Lady. Nor can we sinners bring from our sinful lips a glorification worthy of our Protectress. On having seen innumerable miracles coming from thine icon, we rejoice in our heart and spirit, and proclaim:
Rejoice, from thine holy face miracles pour forth. Rejoice, thou dost speedily deliver us from grief and sorrow. Rejoice, thou dost put to shame those who deny thee. Rejoice, thou dost protect from every evil those who come to thee. Rejoice, by thy gentle radiance thou dost disperse the darkness of our passions and our sins. Rejoice, thou dost fill our hearts with love for thy Son and for thyself. Rejoice, thou dost show us the path of repentance. Rejoice, thou art are our mediatrix before the Righteous Judge. Rejoice, O Theotokos, the Inexhaustible Cup that dost quench our spiritual thirst.
Kontakion 10 Wishing to save all those who suffer from the diseases of alcoholism and other addictions, thou hast given us thy wonderful icon, O Theotokos, so that all who suffer may come to thy miraculous image; and having been healed, may tenderly cry out to God: Alleluia!
Ikos 10 Thou art the wall and the shield, O Lady Theotokos, for those who suffer from drunkenness, and also for all those who come to thee fervently and who piously venerate thine holy icon; for the Lord God didst give it to us to help us, and to heal us from this destructive addiction. And thus He doth inspire us to sing to thee:
Rejoice, thou dost alleviate our sufferings and give hope to those who despair. Rejoice, thou art the healing of our ills. Rejoice, with thy purity thou dost wipe away our corruption. Rejoice, by thine holiness thou dost illumine our darkness. Rejoice, by thy cloak of compassion thou dost clothe our mortal body. Rejoice, by thy strength thou dost fortify our prayers. Rejoice, thou dost strengthen us in our weakness. Rejoice, thou dost disperse the dark clouds of passions that surround us. Rejoice, O sovereign Lady, the Inexhaustible Cup that doth quench our spiritual thirst.
Kontakion 11 O pure one, do not despise our humble singing that we bring to thee from fullness of love and zeal; and do not turn away thy face from those who suffer from drunkenness and despair, but do help us, so that we also may be cleansed from every impurity and may rightly and justly sing to God: Alleluia!
Ikos 11 O most holy Lady! On thine icon thou art seen like a burning candle in rays of grace, surrounded by the assembly of saints and holy martyrs. And as thou dost indicate to us the path of righteousness, we call to thee and say:
Rejoice, by the intercession of Saint Domnica thou dost save us from this world of trouble. Rejoice, by her pleading thou dost help us to overcome passions of the flesh. Rejoice, by the prayers of the holy martyr Varlaam, thou dost fill our hearts with pious thoughts. Rejoice, by his pleading thou dost illumine our conscience. Rejoice, by the prayers of the holy martyr Paraskeva thou dost deliver those who suffer from drunkenness. Rejoice, by her intercession thou dost call us to repentance and watchfulness. Rejoice, together with the holy martyr Antipas thou dost mellow the bitter heart. Rejoice, with him thou dost save those who call on thy name. Rejoice, O sovereign Lady, the Inexhaustible Cup that doth quench our spiritual thirst.
Kontakion 12 The grace that doth shine through thine icon “The Inexhaustible Cup” doth call to it all those who suffer, all the unfortunate, widows and orphans, and especially those who are ill with the disease of alcoholism. And no one doth go away empty-handed from thine inexhaustible cup, O merciful one, but all are filled with divine gifts; so that having received healing and help, they may sing to thee: Alleluia!
Ikos 12 Praising thy wondrous work and great mercy that thou dost show to those who suffer from addictions, we beg thee, O compassionate one – save, have mercy on us, show us the right path, and do not reject us who seek thy protection and call out to thee:
Rejoice, thou dost sustain us on the way to soberness. Rejoice, by the dew of thy mercy thou dost deliver us from the passion of alcohol. Rejoice, by thy mercy thou dost heal us from addictions. Rejoice, thou art a speedy help to those who suffer from all kinds of dependence. Rejoice, thou dost support those who are even-tempered. Rejoice, thou dost humble the prideful. Rejoice, thou dost exalt the humble and wish salvation to all. Rejoice, O holy Theotokos, the Inexhaustible Cup that doth quench our spiritual thirst.
Kontakion 13 O all-merciful Mother of our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, hear our prayer, and deliver us from all ills, physical and emotional, and especially thy servants who suffer from this disease, so that they may not perish, but might be saved and thus would sing to God: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Kontakion 13 is repeated thrice, followed by Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1
Ikos 1 Angelic powers and multitudes of saints continually glorify thee, the Theotokos, Queen of all, the intercessor for us sinful Christians wallowing in lawlessness and remaining in sins. It is for our consolation and salvation that thou in thy mercy didst give us thy miraculous icon, so that looking upon it, as at the one and only star among a multitude of stars on a starlit night, we may prostrate ourselves, shouting from the very depths of our heart:
Rejoice, dwelling-place of the unapproachable God. Rejoice, our constant wonder. Rejoice, thou makest our sorrow to wipe away our sins. Rejoice, thou makest our grief to heal our ills. Rejoice, through thy miraculous icon, thou bringest us thine heavenly mercy. Rejoice, O joy of our grieving heart. Rejoice, our wonderful reconciliation with God. Rejoice, O Theotokos, the Inexhaustible Cup that doth quench our spiritual thirst.
Kontakion 1 A wonderful and marvellous healing has been given to us by thine holy icon, O sovereign Lady Theotokos. By its appearance we have been delivered from spiritual and physical ills, and from sorrowful circumstances. So we bring thee our thankful praise, O all-merciful Protectress. O sovereign Lady, whom we call “The Inexhaustible Cup,” bend down thine ear and mercifully hear our lamentation and tears that we bring to thee, and give thine healing to those who suffer from drunkenness, so that we may cry out to thee with faith: Rejoice, O Inexhaustible Cup that doth quench our spiritual thirst.
First Prayer O our merciful and holy Lady Theotokos, hope and refuge of the orphan, defense of the stranger, help of those in need, and protection of those who are bitter: Thou seest our misfortune, thou seest our sorrow. From all sides we are assailed by temptations, and there is no one to protect us. Thou, thyself, help us, for we are weak. Feed us, for we are strangers. Show us the way, for we are lost. Heal us, for we hurt. Save us, for there is no hope for us. We have no other recourse, neither protection nor consolation, but thee, O Mother of all who suffer and are burdened. Look down on us sinners, who are harsh and bitter, and protect us by thine holy omophorion, that we may be delivered from all evil that doth assail us, and especially from drunkenness, so that we may always glorify thine all-holy name. Amen.
Second Prayer O all-merciful sovereign Lady, we come to thy protection. Despise not our petitions, but kindly hear us – wives, children, husbands, parents, and all those who suffer from heavy affliction of addictions of all sorts; and restore those who, because of it, fall away from our holy Mother the Church and its salvation. O merciful Theotokos, touch their heart and speedily restore them from their fallen state, and lead them to salutary repentance. Implore thy Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our trespasses, and not to turn away His mercies from His people, but that He would strengthen us in sobriety and chastity.
Accept, O all-holy Theotokos, the petitions of mothers shedding tears about their children, wives sobbing for their husbands, children, orphans, beggars, and all those who were forsaken, and us all who venerate thine icon. And let thy prayers carry our petitions to the throne of the Almighty.
Cover us, and keep us from all snares of the enemy, and the traps of the evil one, and at the dreadful hour of our death, help us to pass the ordeal without stumbling. By thy prayers, save us from eternal condemnation, so that God’s mercy may cover us for the ages to come. Amen.